This bright Dooney & Bourke barrel bag measures approximately 6” x 11” x 5”. This is a gently used handbag, please closely inspect all photos before purchasing.
- Closure: Zip
- Color: Multi-Color
- Strap Drop: 10”
- Pockets: 5 Interior & 0 Exterior
- Material: Canvas with Leather Trim
- Style: Shoulder Bag
- Photos are Actual pictures, not stock photos.
Authenticity Note: We have been trained to spot fake designer bags, and closely inspect each purse to verify authenticity. If we have any doubts, we NEVER sell it. That said, we are not professional purse authenticators. If you receive your purse and believe it is not authentic, we will accept all returns of items that still have tags and purple seals attached.
** You can fully inspect your purse without removing the purple seal. If that seal is removed, the purse cannot be returned. All dimensions are approximate. **